Saturday, July 7, 2012

To be or not to Bre.....

Okay so here's the plan I'm hoping on getting these done over the weekend so I can take a few days off to actually "work" since I've been lagging so here's the pins so you all can either try them out or read about them to know what there all about
1.) my tub in our front bathroom could use this so before and after pics will follow

2.) now I can't actually show you if the toner works but I'll give my feed back and let you know how my make up applys and if I have that "glow"

3.) the only thing I don't like about this one is it seems waste full yeah It's cheaper but I have to make a batch every time I wanna  do a face mask? we'll see if it's worth it

4.) I've worked in a spa for 11 yrs and you always here about cucumber and tea bags to remove dark rings under the eye...I've never seen a difference on any clients but yea sure for $15 bucks I'll cut a cucumber for ya and soak some tea bags and throw them on your eyes.....before and after pic to lets see if I get a chance to actually lay with them on my eyes or will I have to tape them and walk around to do my motherly duties....maybe I'll hide in the bathroom

5.) Why not this takes little effort and I can use grandmas coffee mug!!! bahahaha

6.) and I'm gonna do this little doosy starting tomorrow...needless to say I've drank a beer and ate about 4 cookies already so that I can get my yum yum's in before I die on this diet!!

Okay so there ya have it the things I plan to conquer this weekend (except the diet that takes a week) and if I get them all done sweet maybe I can add a few more for shits and giggles ...but I definitely need to do my custom orders there backing up!!! argh

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