Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Off and Running....to bed?

Ok todays D day!! So excited to get this show on the road, I can't sleep so here are the links for what I plan to make tomorrow, first is homemade Mod Podge (now I've never used the stuff before so it maybe hard for me to compare to the real deal)http://pinterest.com/pin/148126275214620510/ Ok and by me making my mod podge I will be using it to make a button bowl like this one off pinterest www.pinterest.com/pin/148126275214562425/ ok so there ya go, we'll start off easy for the first day unless anyone has suggestions on what other lil crafty ideas they've seen on pinterest that require Mod Podge??


  1. YAY! Ive been wanting to try this but dont know where to even start LOL. Cant wait to see your feedback!!

  2. There are SO many people doing their own..... Please share HONESTLY if your recipe really works and adheres? ;)

    1. Nikki, so Far it was a flop while covering over the button balloon...but on the few amount of buttons that I did try it on and decided to take them off early in the project they are now glued to my piece of paper where I had laid them when changing buttons in and out...so maybe it was just to think on the balloon?
