Friday, July 6, 2012


Ok so I felt in a mushy kinda loving mood today so I went with this pin and decided I'd make my husband one from out wedding song, My mom a cup from her grandson and my BFE (Best est Friend Ever) a plate with a saying she adores...So I went to dollar tree and picked up two white plates and one coffee mug. This also requires a Sharpe so I got 2 one fine and one bold...Now it says to just write what the hell ever on it you feel so I did and then bake them at 150 for 30 minutes and I did...
     Here's what you need
 and this is it before the oven, not sure if I preferred the Fine or the Bold Sharpie
 Awww how cute right??
WRONG This shit is bunk! It did not work!!! Now it does stay if you plan on never using a sponge to it lightly or getting it wet and having something rub on it ...not sure if the dishwasher takes this off because I was so Pissed when I lightly took the soft side of the sponge to it and it was wiping off I said "Fu** It" damn you for getting me excited and making me deal with the crazies at dollar tree...But whateves I'm gonna give the mug to my mom and not tell her it rubs off and that I paid $ 30 to have Ryden do this ...Bahahahaa


  1. Aww! So sweet! I love that idea, so sad that it didn't work : ( Love you BFE!

  2. LMAO!!!! There's my Girl!!!! Where ya hiding??? Mumuhuhuhahahah (enter evil laugh
